Friday, March 29, 2013

"The Passover Lamb"!

As we approach Easter Sunday/Resurrection Day, I thought it would be appropriate to investigate the significance of the feast of the Passover & the "Passover Lamb". I hope Ewe enjoy refreshing Ewer memory during this momentous season of the year.
Ewe know I'm not supposed to have any blemish, but could Ewe look again?

Passover is a great reminder of God's "Delivering Power"!
The Passover can be traced back to Exodus Ch. 12, where Moses gave instructions to the children of Israel during the time of the
plagues. He was challenging Pharaoh to "Let my people go". The instructions Moses gave to the children of Israel was to sacrifice a one year old lamb , without blemish , & to paint its blood on the doorposts of their houses.
We must follow Moses' instructions exactly!

I'm one of the few "not" celebrating Passover!
The Israelites were also instructed on how to cook & eat the Lamb, as well as what to do with any leftovers in Exodus 2:5-11;

 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6 No you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at twilight. 7 And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it. 8 Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire—its head with its legs and its entrails. 10 You shall let none of it remain until morning, and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire. 11 And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the LORD’s Passover.

We are thankful to God for what He is about to do!
The children of Israel obeyed all instructions , resulting in the Angel of Death "Passing Over" all houses painted with the "Blood" on the doorposts. This was the tenth & final plague unleashed on Egypt, resulting in the death of all firstborn male children & animals. Pharaoh finally released the people & they hurriedly left Egypt, following Moses & Aaron into freedom. (Exodus 11,12)

Follow Moses! Were Going to the Promised land!

Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God we're Free at Last!
The Passover is celebrated with a special dinner called a Seder, which is Hebrew for "order". The foods eaten at the Seder are all symbolic, commemorating the "Exodus" of the Israelites from  Egyptian slavery. I'll explain each item of the dinner in greater detail in the next Blog.

Sheep have a Shepherd who goes between them & the predators that are looking to kill them. Just as Moses intervened on behalf of the people of Israel, so the Shepherd also intervenes on behalf of the sheep, & leads them to safety & green pastures.
For the Christian, Christ is the Passover Lamb!
Celebrating the Passover is a great reminder of just what our "Passover Lamb" did for us at Calvary. It was His willingness to sacrificially lay down His life, that freed us from a life of slavery to sin! A "Good" thought to remember on "Good Friday"!

"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, & said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". John 1:29

Thank YOU!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Pure Navajo Churro!

EWE have to admit that we are a RARE BREED!
The Navajo Churro breed of sheep were brought to North America in the 16th century by the Spanish Conquistadors. They brought the sheep along with them as a source of food & clothing for their armies.

I'm an "OLDIE but GOODIE." & the Navajo LOVE me!

Navajo & Churro-"Perfect Together"
By the 17th century, Churro were popular with both the Spanish settlers in the Rio Grande Valley & the Navajo Indians. The Navajo Indians obtained the Churro through raids & trading. They became very fond of these sheep & they soon became an intricate part of the Navajo economy.
Ewe know that I will last longer than Ewer ordinary sheep!

The Navajo Churro are "Oldies but Goodies" for a number of reasons. First, Churro have  a protective outer coat , as well as a soft underbelly, that are ideal for extreme climates. Second, they are extremely resistant to disease, resulting in a hardier flock to breed. Next, Churro rams are able to grow four horns , which is rare among other breeds. Finally, Churro ewes commonly lamb twins & triplets , producing meats that are leaner with a superior flavor.

 We make Great Pets!


The Navajo Churro, America's oldest sheep,  are very easy sheep to breed. Although their numbers are threatened, they are making a comeback , due largely to organizations committed to protecting their breed. The Churro ewes are fiercely protective of their kids, yet have a good disposition & are very low maintenance.

No "Kidding", being born Navajo Churro Makes me proud!

 I Love EWE! Don't worry, I will Protect EWE!

Sheep have long been "fiercely protected" by their protective Shepherd. The Navajo Churro ewes are a perfect example of how a mother's love forms a bond that's not easily broken.

Navajo Shepherds LOVE their flocks.

FAMILY is Everything to us, if EWE now what I mean!

It's reassuring to know that EWE can travel securely today, confident that Ewer Good Shepherd has Ewer back !

"God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Ps.46:1

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Lamb" Merino Breed

The Merino sheep breed is the next sheep breed that we will be examining up close & personal. Merino sheep have originated in Spain & are very often used in selective breeding. They are popular with breeders due to their good meat & fine wool quality.  

We're not from St. Louis, but didn't Merino play for Miami?
I'm so "Good Looking" they had to separate me from the ewes!

They made me into a Guinness Book world record statue!

Merino sheep of Australia are from the "wild" side of the family. They are able to adapt to the climate in Australia & are bred mostly for their high quality wool.This fine wool is made into fire resistant, fine wool garments. This clothing will keep Ewe warm in the winter & cool in the summer.

Welcome to the world of the "Wild & Wooly"!

The Aussies have given us their "Stamp" of approval!
Merino sheep sport a moderate body that grows 3 types of fine wool. Type A- strongly wrinkled wool; Type B-  moderately wrinkled wool; & Type C - a smoother combination of wool & meat. Merino males are white-faced, with horns, while the ewes
are hornless.
A famous Merino named Shrek had enough wool for 20 large suits!

Do Ewe think I Look rather Stoic? Maybe my face should be carved into STONE!
We are "Distinctively" popular! To know us is to love us!
Merino sheep have been responsible for breeding the "Backbone" of the American sheep industry, the Rambouillet, which is foundational to most western flocks in the U.S.A.. The Merino's hardy ability to endure harsh conditions, & its instinctive herding  tendencies, make it a highly desirable choice for breeding. The
Rambouillet is a French descendent of the Spanish Merino sheep, which was imported to the Rambouillet estate of  Louis XVI, in 1786. These sheep also have very fine wool & quality meat.

Rambouillet Sheep at Ewer service! Ewe know we're Good!

Sheep make a distinct contribution to our society & benefit large numbers of people. Certain breeds, like the Merino, are greatly appreciated by the countries they are bred in, even to this day.

We are happy to be put to good use on the planet!
I know we're Rams, but, "When EWE got it, EWE got it!"

As Ewe go through Ewer day, seek divine opportunities to benefit those around Ewe & watch how God blesses Ewer day!

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another". John 13:34

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Racka Sheep!

The rather unique sheep breed that I want to introduce Ewe to today is the Hungarian "Racka" sheep. This breed is peculiar
for a couple of reasons. First, both rams & ewes both sport long spiral horns. Next, the Racka breed possesses cork screw horns that stand straight up from the top of the head. Mature males have horns that grow up to 2 feet or more while females average 12-15 inches.

Did Ewe know we live in Hungary? Do we look "Hungry"?

Do Ewe know who "Twisted" my horns?
The Racka breed is a very durable breed. Webster defines Durable as: "lasting in spite of hard wear or frequent use; stable; continuing to exist." The Racka have often been described as a "Hardy" animal, & is often used in crossbreeding due to its instinctive ability pass on its "Durability" in its genes. 
We are the Breed with a little different TWIST!

The Racka breed is "STRONG LIKE BULL"!

 The Racka breed is very beneficial to its sheepherders. They produce milk, meat, & a soft, crimpy wool that is sought after by hand weavers. Their low key, quiet disposition, & unique
appearance, all create a high desirability to raise the Racka Breed. 

Try us , EWE will like us!

The Racka breed plays an active role in the Hungarian consciousness, Its wool is used to produce the Hungarian shepherd's traditional clothing. It is viewed by Hungarians as a "special sheep" that can not be matched in the entire world!

We Provide MEAT, MILK, & WOOL! What more could Ewe want"?
Sheep have a purpose & a function in our world. It's the Shepherd's job to lead sheep into fulfilling their purpose here on the earth.

Do Ewe know that we all need Guidance?

The Racka breed of sheep reveals God's creative nature & also gives us ample reason to celebrate our own uniqueness as God's peculiar people. As Ewe travel life's path today, look around Ewe & enjoy the Good Shepherd's "Creativity"!

"We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

Friday, March 15, 2013

"Romney" Believe it or Not!

Sheep are literally, a lot like people. They come in a variety of shapes & sizes, yet they are each distinctively woven  into the very fabric of  their own family breed. The breed that we're zooming in on in this blog is the Romney breed. I bet Ewe thought that Ewe were through with Romney after the last election. Well, this is a different breed of Romney, the one that says "Baa"!

I have an Identity Crisis! Am I "Romney Marsh", "Kent", or just "Romney"?

I didn't run for President, but don't Ewe think I'm just as handsome?
The Romney breed of long-wool sheep originated in Southeast England around 1800. The Romney breed is very popular in New Zealand, where the wool & meat of the Romney have become its chief exports. 
I kind of wish we weren't that popular. Why can't people just eat Beef?.

I'm popular in New Zealand & hoping to stay away from the "Dinner" plate.

The Romney breed do so well in England & New Zealand due to their amazing versatility. Webster defines versatility as: "ability to turn easily ; competence in many things".The Romney breed are the epitome of versatility, due largely to their unique ability to ward off "foot rot" & "liver fluke". Romney sheep are healthy, allowing them to produce & maintain a heavy fleece throughout the winter.

Being Wooly is something that just "Grows On EWE"!

Did Ewe know that my durable, long wool is "prized" among hand weavers?
The Romney breed's versatility is also seen in its ability to adapt to its harsh environment, yet still produce a quality wool & meat.They are named for the Romney Marsh region in Kent, England. It was in that difficult region that they developed  their strong resistance to the elements. The Romney sheep first came to the U.S. in 1904. Their strong wool is sought after for carpets & rugs.

Let me introduce Ewe to the "HARDY BOYS"!
Sheep come  in all varieties, sizes, & shapes,  & each breed makes its own unique contribution. The Shepherd is able to bring out the best in every breed. Romney sheep are revered for their fine quality wool & meat. They are an excellent example of how adversity can produce fruit that benefits the lives of others.
I shop in the "Big & Tall " Department!

Ewe are a unique creation! Celebrate that uniqueness, as Ewe pursue the purposes the Good Shepherd has for Ewer day.

"For You have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth." Psalm 71:5

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Who is Connor James?

Connor enjoys playing the piano, ukulele, & listening to MUSIC!

Connor sharing a "SILLY" moment with his big sister Kylie.
In today's Blog, I'll be continuing the tradition of blogging for each of my grandchildren's birthdays. Today, Connor James, my blonde California connection, is 18 years old! I hope that after taking a peek into his life, that Ewe will appreciate the wonderful qualities that God is building into his life as much as I do. He is a feisty ball of "passion" that I know Ewe will come to enjoy!
Connor loves Monkeys, especially when they SMILE!

Did Ewe know that Connor thinks the color Yellow is very "Appealing"?
Connor loves Dogs & Dogs Love Connor!!
Passionate is a word that is so descriptive of Connor James' view on life! Webster defines Passionate as:" having or showing strong feelings; full of passion or intense emotional drive." As Ewe will see, Connor James is passionate about all the activities that he is involved with! Soccer, basketball, swimming, Music, Bible quizzing with AWANA at church, & "Gaming", are just a few of Connor James' passions. He also has become quite proficient at Disc Golf! 

"Balancing" all these activities can be difficult at times!
We have a "Ball" playing soccer with Connor!
Ewe can shoot well if Ewe practice the release!

Connor goes "HOG WILD" over Soccer! 

The passion that Connor James possesses is very much on display in his church activities. Connor James has a heart for God! As a 14-year-old, he loved his youth Sunday School & has enjoyed being a member of an AWANA Club, as well as attending the big church activities. He actually has expressed a desire to be a pastor when he grows up! Wow! He also has a keen interest in Art, Geology, Music, & Drama! He is also a very competent "GAMER"!  He enjoys competing with any family, near or far away (uncles & cousins), who believe they're up to the challenge!
Munching on God's Word helps Connor to be "STRONG in the LORD"!
Connor is very KIND & strives to "Love his neighbor as himself."

Connor is CRAZY about God's Word!

Connor is as tenacious as a Bulldog, when it comes to his Faith!
Connor James also loves his family. He loves his parents & sister & brings lots of laughter into the home! His generosity, creativity, & kindness are very much appreciated by his family.


There is no "I" in the word "TEAM".
Connor is "on-top-of" taking care of the family dog!
As Family, Ewe have to Stick together, like Peanut Butter & Jelly!

Connor is a Great at "Creative" Problem Solving

Sheep are passionate about drawing near to the Shepherd. They are the most content in His presence.

Always run toward the Shepherd & Ewe will have a BLAST!
Connor enjoys drinking in GOD"S WORD!

Connor sees the Good Shepherd as his "Role Model"!

Travel through Ewer Day today with a peace that comes from walking close to Ewer Shepherd. Rejoice that the Good Shepherd is at work in the lives & hearts of many young people, just as He is in the life of Connor James.

In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, & the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, & without Him nothing was made that was made." Jn.1:1-3 (Connor's favorite verse)
CONNOR doing some "COUSIN" time at a CHRISTMAS Family Reunion!

I think EWE will all agree that Connor is a "Slam Dunk!"