Sunday, November 29, 2015

Greetings & the 2017 Top Ten Blogs!

The end of the year is an excellent time to look back & reflect on the blessings of the past year. Even though I haven't penned as many "Blogs" this year, the viewership has grown in "Leaps & Bounds"! Our total views now average over 1200 a month, & are now approaching 225,000 views overall! PTL! I'm so thankful for the Lord's Hand in using the "Blog", & pray that He continues to encourage His saints through it. Now, I offer EWE "Greetings"
from the seven continents & from some of our most "Revered " animal guests on the Blog! I also invite EWE to "Welcome" our "TOP TEN" Blogs of all time ! I hope that Ewe enjoy taking a glance back at some of our most "frequented" Blogs. I wish all of EWE a Happy & Healthy 2019, & thank EWE for visiting the Blog & I'm looking forward to another year of "Blogging"! God Bless EWE!

"Polar Bear Christmas Greetings from ANTARCTICA!"

"I wish EWE a Cat's 'Meow' New Year from EUROPE!"

"WE wish EWE a Zebra  New Year from AFRICA!"
"Wishing EWE a Panda 'Bamboo' New Year from ASIA!"
"Merry 'Guinea Pig' Christmas from SOUTH AMERICA!"

"Merry 'Kangaroo' Christmas from AUSTRALIA !"

"Happy 'Golden Eagle' New Year from NORTH AMERICA!"

Top Ten Blogs of 2017
1."Panda-monium"!- May 2, 2013                              99,218 views
2.Fast & Furious!-April 29,2013                                   6710 views
3 World's "Fiercest" Guard Dog!                                   4151 views
4.Gumby +Deer = Flexibility- Oct.31,2012                  1430 views
5."Tarantulas & EWE"- Feb 23, 2013                           1357 views
6."Sheep Sense"- May 17,2013.                                     1396 views
7.Upside Down" Sheep- Sep 4, 2012                               906 views
8.Stingray Tails!- November 12, 2012                             775 views
9.Orca's Whale of a Tail! January 6, 2013                       761 views

10.Sheep Baaa's & the Bible! - March 9,2013                  676 views

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
In 74 months of "Blogging", we have also been blessed with a diverse  "International " audience. Here is a list of the "Top Nine" countries with viewers outside the United States.


   17,594         Canada         3358


  13,966          Ukraine    2399


   5846            Indonesia       1412


   5112            Spain.    1410

United Kingdom

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one & only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Bearded Dragons & EWE!

I make a great pet because of my calm "Disposition"!    (CHECK this out! CLICK!)

The "Bearded Dragon", originally located in Australia, is a very popular exotic pet, all over the world. They are very calm ,docile, & trusting by nature, yet, they also possess a rather "Curious" side. This combination of qualities , along with being gentile & quiet, make the "Bearded Dragon" very popular as a children's pet.

Listening to "ROCK" music is my favorite daytime activity!
"Bearded Dragons", like most reptiles, enjoy being "Energized" by the sun during the day, mostly by lounging on a local "Rock", soaking up all the rays they possibly can! This ritual prepares them for a nighttime filled with activity!

Soaking up the rays is easy for me to do! I don't even need LOTION!

Have Ewe seen all of the "ROCKY" movies?

I seem to be "Branching" out in my sunbathing!
"Bearded Dragons" are smaller  than the average lizards, measuring up to only 24 inches, including their tails! They tend to be quite territorial, thus requiring enough "Space" for them to roam! They feed mostly on insects such as worms & crickets, however, also  will indulge the leaves of  bushes & trees. YUM!

Things are sure "Looking UP" for me , especially when I'm feeding in TREES!
Bearded Dragons are loaded with lots of "FUN" Facts! First, do Ewe know why they are named "Bearded Dragons"? They are named "Bearded" because of the beard-like scales & spikes they have around their head. Whenever they are threatened, they expand their throats & use this as a defense mechanism against an enemy! Next, contrary to popular belief, not all dragons are from Australia.
The USA presently has a huge population, & it is unnecessary, as well as illegal, to import them! Third, in 2005, it was discovered that dragons have a mild venom that is not harmful to humans or most other animals. Finally, dragons do not regenerate body parts, unlike some other lizards. Re-growing tails is simply "out of the question" for the Bearded Dragon!
I blend so perfectly that I feel a "ONENESS" with the rocks!

Did Ewe accuse me of having "DRAGON BREATH"?

Does anyone have a spare "CRICKET" I could borrow?
Sheep, unlike "Bearded Dragons", are not naturally "Calm",but tend, rather, to be very "Nervous", & in desperate need of the Shepherd's "calming" influence. However, they both do share something in common. "Bearded Dragons" as pets, & sheep, both need the loving care of their owners!
Now this is what I call "Contentment"!
As Ewe travel through Ewer day today, take time to count Ewer Blessings, knowing that Ewe have a Shepherd Who CARES for EWE!

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Ps.23:1

Monday, May 11, 2015

2024 Mother's Day "MUSINGS"!

There's nothing like a Mother's HUG!
Contentment is a kiss away!

To Honor all "Mothers" this Mother's Day, I have put together some Quotes & Poetry especially for EWE! Enjoy & may God Bless Ewe today & always . (We wouldn't be here without EWE!)
We were "Meant" for each other!
Bonding is so "SPECIAL"!

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." ~Abraham Lincoln

"The sweetest sounds to mortals given are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven."~ William Goldsmith Brown

"Beach" time will never be the same!
EWE are a Precious "GIFT" from above!

"Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved." ~ Erich Framm

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness." ~Honoré de Balzac

EWE smell so GOOD!

"I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine--she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights." Adabella Radici

Moms give everyone a real "BOOST"!

"M" is for the million things she gave me, "O" means only that she's growing old, "T" is for the tears she shed to save me, "H" is for her heart of purest gold; "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining, "R" means right, and right she'll always be, Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER" A word that means the world to me." ~Howard Johnson

I'm in "Good Hands" with MOM!

MOM is just So Much FUN!
"I said a Mother's Day prayer for you to thank the Lord above for blessing me with a lifetime of your tenderhearted love. I thanked God for the caring you've shown me through the years, for the closeness we've enjoyed in time of laughter and of tears. And so, I thank you from the heart for all you've done for me and I bless the Lord for giving me the best mother there could be!" ~Author unknown

Mom & baby touching noses is the BEST!
AS long as we are Together, everything else will be fine!
"My Mother, my friend so dear throughout my life you're always near. A tender smile to guide my way You're the sunshine to light
my day." Author unknown

EWE make me SMILE so BIG!

"God made a wonderful mother, A mother who never grows old; He made her smile of the sunshine, And He moulded her heart of pure gold; In her eyes He placed bright shining stars, In her cheeks fair roses you see; God made a wonderful mother, And He gave that dear mother to me." ~Pat O'Reilly - 
A Godly Mom is a Blessing to her family!

Proverbs 31:10-12: "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life."

A True Picture of MOTHERHOOD!


Sunday, February 15, 2015


OH DEER! ALYSSA & MOM having some Christmas FUN last year!
ALYSSA is "All Smiles" Celebrating CHRISTMAS with FAMILY in TN!


Alyssa LOVES Ladybugs!

From a very early age, everyone knew that Alyssa was full of LIFE!

In following my tradition of "Blogging" for my grandchildren's birthdays, I'm going to introduce Ewe to my beautiful Alyssa Nicole, our beautiful granddaughter, who happens to be Abby Grace's younger sister. She is Celebrating her "SWEET 16" Birthday today, & I hope Ewe enjoy her as much as I do! She is a bundle of Joy, & has had at the very least, an extremely "Adventurous" 16 years!

I am Alyssa's absolute favorite Lady!
Alyssa is very Helpful to her Mom, just as Ladybugs are to farmers!  
Alyssa loves Water but it really BUGS me!
First of all, Alyssa Nicole is a very joyful young lady. Webster defines Joyful as:" Experiencing, causing, or showing joy; Happy. " Alyssa Nicole is the "Life of the party" at home, having a sense of humor that keeps her family in "stitches"! Her joy is also contagious at church, where she loves worshipping her God through song! In 2019, on July 4th, Alyssa was baptized in the family pool! I was Blessed to be a part of this special event in Alyssa's spiritual growth! What a Great way to spend Independence Day!
Alyssa Nicole Loves Life!

Alyssa's motto is: "Don't Worry, Be Happy"!

ALYSSA definitely lives "Outside the Box"!
It takes Alyssa less muscles to Smile, than to Frown!

Next, Alyssa Nicole loves to express her Joy through "dancing like a ballerina"! She also enjoys gymnastics, soccer, running, & swimming with her friends & family. Her favorite colors are red & yellow! She also plays on her HS soccer team, 

Expressing Joy to others keeps Ewe "On Ewer Toes".
Dancing is really "Hip"! Oh, why don't Ewe join me?

While playing soccer, Alyssa has a "Tiger in her Tank"!

Alyssa & a friend were a "WINNING" combination!

Alyssa's favorite thing to do is Swimming in the Pool! 

Also, Alyssa Nicole reveals her "zest for life" through outlandish displays of Fashion! Creativity abounds in this hip fashion" diva"!

"DRESSED to the Nines" at Christmas Time!

ALYSSA with her "FAM" for the first time at DISNEY!

Ewe know I Look Good! Just call me Princess!

I Love the material in this outfit! It's " Shear Delight"!
Stretch the Limits of Ewer life- Be Joyful

Alyssa Nicole lives a "Purr"- tee "balanced" life!
Finally, Alyssa Nicole loves her family. Alyssa is very obedient to her parents, compassionate & kind. She enjoys going to church, Sunday School, & loved "Awana", where she learned how to study God's Word.  Alyssa treasures spending time with her older sister, Abby, as well as beating her "Grandparents" at "Back Alley Bridge"! She also enjoys Math & Reading in school! I think Ewe will all agree, Alyssa Nicole is a "one-of-a-kind" design!
Alyssa is,"Quick as a Cheetah", when memorizing God's Word!
Alyssa enjoys "Scooting" around visiting neighbors.
Alyssa loves eating Spaghetti & Meatballs!
Alyssa must remember to "stretch" before Gymnastics!
Sheep are the happiest when the Shepherd is in close proximity! They know the "secret" of JOY that Alyssa Nicole, whose name means "Honorable", has discovered & practices. The Scripture teaches: "In the presence of the Lord there is Joy forever more."

God is Good! Being around my Shepherd makes me HAPPY!
EWE are so PRECIOUS to me & bring me such JOY!
EWE just hang out with Alyssa & Ewe become more "Colorful"!
Joy is the by-product of a heart fully trusting in the Good Shepherd. Enjoy His presence today as Ewe draw near to Him, just as his child, Alyssa Nichole, does!
..." Hear me, Oh Judah & the inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the Lord your God, & you shall be established; believe his prophets, & you shall prosper." 2 Chronicles 20:20b

Alyssa recently enjoyed a Family Christmas Celebration in "Royal" fashion!



ALYSSA LOVES LEARNING & it's an HONOR to know her!!